Pulsar Poetry Webzine
       Pulsar Poetry Webzine

FAQ Page

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Pulsar Webzine - Frequently Asked Questions


PLEASE NOTE: Pulsar is now a web-zine only. The Pulsar editor may occasionally decide to produce a printed Ligden production, but this is down to the discretion of DP only. The web-zine will publish carefully chosen poems, on a quarterly basis.  We will continue to carry out book reviews / live performance reviews - these will appear on the Pulsar web, as normal.


Please do not send, (AI), computer generated poems.


Question: I've written a complete book of poems and wish to submit my manuscript to Pulsar Poetry Magazine, with a view to publication.  May I send you my manuscript?


Answer:  No.  Pulsar is now a poetry webzine only, we do not currently publish whole books from single contributors.




Question:  will I get paid if my poems are published in Pulsar Webzine?


Answer:  No, there is no financial payment.  If selected, you will however see your poems displayed on Pulsar Webzine.




Question:  will you consider work that is also currently being considered by another publisher or poetry web site? (I have sent my poems to numerous poetry concerns).


Answer:  No, simultaneous submissions will not be considered, (there are too many copyright implications).




Question: may I send you poems as e-mail file attachments.


Answer: No.  We only open/read file attachments from known sources - to avoid potential virus problems. Paste up to three poems into the body of an ordinary email message and send in.




Question: may I send you poems in the body of an ordinary e-mail message?


Answer:  please do, but send no more than three poems at a time.



Question:  may I send you poems via land-mail?  How should I approach this?


Answer:  yes please, but  UK only: send six of your best, unpublished poems via land-mail.  Remember to enclose a stamped addressed reply envelope.  If you don't you won't receive a reply.  Poems should be legible, preferably typed on A4 paper.  Clip art and fancy borders/crazy fonts will not sway the editor.   Do not send dog-eared/faded sheets of paper containing poems which have been sent to other publishers, and returned numerous times.  Send a short resume only. 


Please do send thought provoking and hard-hitting work, poems which have something interesting to say, and say it well.   




Question: Is Pulsar Poetry Webzine a company or corporate concern?


Answer: No.  Pulsar is run by poetry enthusiasts for poetry enthusiasts.  There is no profit element.  We have a passion for what we do, writing is all.




Question:  may anyone come along to Pulsar Poetry Evenings?  Is there a financial charge?


Answer: all are welcome to attend.  There is usually no charge - we occasionally charge a £1 or so, to cover the cost of venue hire.




Question:  do you comment on poems that are returned to originators?  Is there any feedback on the quality of my work?


Answer:  we do not usually comment / give advice to poets regarding work they have sent to Pulsar Poetry Webzine.  The volume of poems received makes this difficult to achieve.  You simply receive an 'aye' or 'nay.'  However, the editor will give advice if he feels a poem is of a high standard but has, 'say,' a minor error or flaw, (to enable editing by the poet, and possible future publication in Pulsar).




Question: you said earlier that my poem would be published in Pulsar Poetry Webzine, but it didn't immediately appear on the web?  Have you forgotten my work?  When will my poem be published?


Answer:  it is best to be patient.  Pulsar Poetry Webzine posts selected poems to the web on a quarterly basis. It may take a short while for your poem to appear.




If you have any other questions please e-mail me, David Pike:  pulsar.ed@btopenworld.com



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© Copyright of Pulsar Poetry Webzine belongs to David Pike. Poets retain copyright of their poems